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How do I update the Firmware for legacy hardware (Pre T-Series and Bonita)?

For a pure Legacy system (Pre T-Series and Bonita MX Hardware) Vicon hardware should be on Firmware 502.

1. Download the Firmware and extract the files from the Firmware_502.zip folder. Once extracted place MXFirmware_502.mxe in a location easy to find such as the Desktop or Downloads folder.

2. Make sure all Vicon hardware is turned on. Open the core Vicon Software (Tracker or Nexus).

3. Navigate to the System tab, right click on Local Vicon System and select Reprogram Vicon Firmware. In the new window, all Vicon hardware and current firmware versions is listed.

4. Click Browse and navigate to the saved MXFirmware_502. Once the file has been selected, check which devices need to be reprogrammed and click Reprogram.

The reprogramming process might take some time.  Do not interrupt the process.  If any cameras fail or if there are further questions, please contact support.