Nexus Insight 1.1 is the first update of Vicon’s reporting tool since its initial release, enhancing the way you can visualize and interpret your data. It provides greater flexibility for graphs, enhanced video visualization, and a more efficient way to compare with reference kinematic, kinetic, and EMG data. Perhaps most importantly, Nexus Insight 1.1 lays the foundation for the next phase of our product cycle, one that aims to deliver more impact and value to your workflows.
With the development of Vicon Nexus Insight, we recognized that the path to a complete reporting tool was not going to be a straight line. There would be trial-and-error moments, periods of experimentation, and feedback from customers in this process. To borrow a baseball metaphor, not every swing would result in a home run but a series of singles – small wins that build over time – would ultimately help us deliver value to our users. This release reflects this approach and continues its steady, incremental advancement towards improved reporting.
The intention with Nexus Insight is certainly not to continue “hitting singles”. We have a bold vision for the future of Nexus Insight, one that aims to transform the way that users interact with their data and disseminate it. The reporting tool our users deserve should provide a comprehensive set of tools which allows our users to seamlessly bridge the gap between their motion capture data and actionable insights. It is certainly our intention to deliver on this vision.
With this, we are dedicated to taking a different approach, one that places our users at the center of our design. We have been soliciting feedback from current and prospective users so we can meet their broad array of reporting needs. This is certainly a dynamic process, one that requires deep knowledge to truly understand the nuances of the user’s mindset. The more people we talk to, the more able we are to deliver the product that you value. We aim to not only push the progress of data analysis and reporting but advance the way we understand and communicate human movement
Join our User Feedback CommunityThank you,
Felix Tsui
Software Product Manager