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What are the Upper Body Segment angles from Plug-in Gait?

The table below displays the Upper Body Segment angles from Plug-in Gait.

All Upper Body angles are calculate in rotation order YXZ.

As Euler angles are calculated, each rotation causes the axis for the subsequent rotation to be shifted. X’ indicates an axis which has been acted upon and shifted by one previous rotation, X’’ indicates a rotation axis which has been acted upon and shifted by two previous rotations.

Angles Positive Rotation Axis Direction Angles Positive Rotation Axis Direction
LHeadAngles 1 Backward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise RHeadAngles 1 Backward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise
2 Right Tilt Prg.Fm. X’ Anti-clockwise 2 Left Tilt Prg.Fm. X’ Clockwise
3 Right Rotation Prg.Fm. Z’’ Clockwise 3 Left Rotation Prg.Fm. Z’’ Anti-clockwise
LThoraxAngles 1 Backward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise RThoraxAngles 1 Backward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise
2 Right Tilt Prg.Fm. X’ Anti-clockwise 2 Left Tilt Prg.Fm. X’ Clockwise
3 Right Rotation Prg.Fm. Z’’ Clockwise 3 Left Rotation Prg.Fm. Z’’ Anti-clockwise
LNeckAngles 1 Forward Tilt Thorax Y Clockwise RNeckAngles 1 Forward Tilt Thorax Y Clockwise
2 Left Tilt Thorax X’ Clockwise 2 Right Tilt Thorax X’ Anti-clockwise
3 Left Rotation Thorax Z’’ Clockwise 3 Right Rotation Thorax Z’’ Anti-clockwise
LSpineAngles 1 Forward Thorax Tilt Pelvis Y Anti-clockwise RSpineAngles 1 Forward Thorax Tilt Pelvis Y Anti-clockwise
2 Left Thorax Tilt Pelvis X’ Clockwise 2 Right Thorax Tilt Pelvis X’ Anti-clockwise
3 Left Thorax Rotation Pelvis Z’’ Anti-clockwise 3 Right Thorax Rotation Pelvis Z’’ Clockwise
LShoulderAngles 1 Flexion Thorax Y Anti-clockwise RShoulderAngles 1 Flexion Thorax Y Anti-clockwise
2 Abduction Thorax X’ Anti-clockwise 2 Abduction Thorax X’ Clockwise
3 Internal Rotation Thorax Z’’ Anti-clockwise 3 Internal Rotation Thorax Z’’ Clockwise
LElbowAngles 1 Flexion Humeral Y Anti-clockwise RElbowAngles 1 Flexion Humeral Y Clockwise
2 Humeral X’ 2 Humeral X’
3 Humeral Z’’ 3 Humeral Z’’
LWristAngles 1 Ulnar Deviation Radius X Clockwise RWristAngles 1 Ulnar Deviation Radius X Anti-clockwise
2 Extension Radius Y’ Clockwise 2 Extension Radius Y’ Clockwise
3 Internal Rotation Radius Z’’ Clockwise 3 Internal Rotation Radius Z’’ Anti-clockwise