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Licensing questions

How do I request a license for current Vicon Software?

To request a license –

  1. If you are using a SafeNet dongle to license your machine:
    Ensure you have installed the latest dongle drivers onto the PC on which you will run Vicon Software. Select the option for dongle drivers when you install Vicon Software.
    Insert the dongle.
  2. On the machine for which you want the license (either a networked license server or a standalone machine), start Vicon Software and when prompted click Request License.
  3. At the top of the Request a License dialog box, select the installed software and version you want to license.
  4. In the appropriate fields, type your name, email address and company name.
  5. In the Options area, select whether to request:
    Standalone license locked to local PC name: for use by the PC from which you are sending this request only.
    Network license locked to license server name: for use on the license server machine from which you are sending this request by one or more PCs on the same network.
    Standalone license locked to a dongle: for use with the specified dongle on a single PC. In the Dongle ID field, type the ID, which is found on the dongle.
    Network license locked to a dongle: for use on a license server machine by one or more PCs via the specified dongle. In the Dongle ID field, type the ID, which is found on the dongle.
  6. For network/server-based licenses only: if necessary, change the value for the Number of Seats.
  7. Leave the settings in the Machine area at their default values unless you are asked to change them by Vicon Support (for example, if you are using a dual-booting system or have had to re-install Windows).
  8. Do one of the following:
    If you can currently email your license request, by clicking Email Request; or
    If email is currently unavailable, click Save Request to a file, so that you can send the request later. Type or browse to a suitable location and click OK. The file is saved as ViconLicenseRequest*.xml. When possible, email the file to Vicon Support.

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How do I activate a license for my Vicon Software?

After you have received a license file from Vicon Support, you must activate it before you can start using your Vicon Software.

To activate a license:

1. Check your email for a message from Vicon Support. The license file (*.lic) is attached to the email. If you have not received a license file, request one as described in How do I request a license for current Vicon Software?

2. Save the license file (*.lic) to the Windows desktop of the machine for which you have a license (or any other suitable location).

3. Start Vicon Product Licensing and in the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, click Activate License.

4. Depending on whether you are using the file as it was received from Vicon Support or as a text string copied from the file

  • In the License Activation File field, type or browse to the location of the license file (*.lic) and click Activate from File; or
  • Copy the text to the License Activation String field and click Activate from String.

5. Click OK.

6. Launch you Vicon Software

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How do I set the license server?

If you need to change the license server or to enable a client PC to find its license quickly, follow the steps below to specify the license server for your Vicon Software (Blade, Nexus, Tracker, Polygon) to use.

To enable Vicon Software to find its license:

1. Ensure that you have installed your Vicon Software and that Vicon Software is licensed on the relevant server.

2. On the client PC, start your Vicon Software and depending on whether or not a license is found:

  • If the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box opens, click Set License Server; or
  • If the Vicon Software opens and you want to view or change the current license server:

a. On the Help menu, click Licensing.

b. In the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, go to the Product License Location list (in the lower half of the dialog box), right-click on the line that shows the relevant Vicon Software license and then click Set License Type.

3. In the Change License Server dialog box, do one of the following:

  • To obtain a license from any available license server, click Use Standalone/Commuter Licenses or Scan for a License Server and then click OK.
  • To select a specific license server from a list of all available servers:

a. Click Discover. Both local and network licenses are displayed.

b. In the Available Servers list, double-click the required license server and then click OK.

  • To specify a license server on your network, click Use a Specific Network License Server, type the name in the License Server field, and click OK.

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How do I view information about license servers?

In the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, you can view information about all available license servers without affecting the license server that is currently in use. To do this:

1. Open Vicon Product Licensing.

2. In the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, if the required license server is not displayed in the License Server field at the top, click Change at the top right of the dialog box.

3. In the Options area of the Select License Server dialog box, do one of the following:

  • To view local standalone licenses and commuter licenses, select View Licenses from the Locally Installed License Server; or
  • To view licenses on a specified license server, type the name of the required server in the License Server field. If you do not know the name of the license server, click Discoverand in the Available Servers list, double-click a license server.

4. Click OK.

In License Server list in the top part of the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, licenses from the specified license server are displayed.

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What is a commuter license?

You can check out (borrow) a seat from a network license so that it can be used for the number of days that you specify, on a machine that is not connected to the license server network. You can check out a seat to either:

  • A machine on your network (see Check out to a network machine below), so that Vicon Software can subsequently be used when the machine is no longer connected to your network; or
  • A machine that is not connected to your network (see Check out to a remote machine below)

When a commuter license is no longer needed, it is checked back in again, so that it can be used from the license server network as usual. Licenses are automatically checked in at the end of a specified check-out period, or can be manually checked in early (not applicable to remotely checked-out licenses).

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How do I check in a commuter license?

Licenses that have been checked out are checked back in and made available for use from the network in either of the following ways:

  • If the specified check-out period has expired, the license is automatically checked back in.
  • If the license is no longer needed for remote use, you can check it back in early.

Caution: This does not apply to licenses that were checked out using Remote Check Out, which remain checked out until their check-out period expires.

To check in a license manually:

1. Open Vicon Product Licensing.

2. In the top part of the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, click on the license you want to check in and then click Check In License.

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How do I check out a license to a network machine?

You can check out a seat from an existing license for use on a machine on your license server network, so that your Vicon Software can subsequently be used on the machine when it is no longer connected to your network.

To check out a seat to a machine on the license server network:

1. On a network machine that you later want to use remotely, open Vicon Product Licensing.

2. In the License Server list in the top part of the dialog box, right-click on the license that contains the seat that you want to check out and click Check Out.

3. In the Check Out License dialog box, specify the number of days for the license to be used remotely and then click Check Out.

Checked out licenses are flagged with Commuter in the Type column in the License Server list in the top part of the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box.

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On the remote machine, how do I: Generate a locking code?
To Generate a lock code:
1. Open Vicon Product Licensing.
2. In the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, click View Remote Locking Code.
3. In the Current Machine Locking Code dialog box, type the email address of a person to whom the network license server is available, and click Send, or to save it to a string to send later, type or browse to the required location and filename, click Save to File and close the dialog box.

The person with access to the license server can then check out a commuter license for use on the remote machine, as described in – On a network machine, how do I: Check out a commuter license?

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How do I check out to a remote machine?

In addition to checking out a license to a network machine (see How do I check out a license to a network machine? above), you can also check out a license to a machine that is running the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool (VAULT), but is not connected to the network containing the license server. This involves the following procedures:

  • On the remote machine: Generate a locking code and send it to a user of a machine on the license server network.
  • On a network machine: Check out a commuter license and send it to the remote user.
  • On the remote machine: Save and activate the commuter license.

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On a network machine, how do I: Check out a commuter license?

To check out a license:

1. Open Vicon Product Licensing.

2. In the License Server list in the top part of the dialog box, right-click on a license that permits commuter licensing for the required product.

If the selected license permits commuter licensing, the context menu displays a Check Out option and at the bottom of the dialog box, a Check Out License button is displayed.

3. Click Check Out and in the Check Out License dialog box:

a. Specify the number of days for which you want to use the license remotely.

b. Expand the Advanced Options by clicking the downward pointing arrow on the right, and click Remote Check Out.

Caution: Do not overestimate the number of days for which the license will remain checked out. After a remote check out, you cannot check the license back in again until the number of days that you specified has expired.

4. In the Remote Commuter License Check Out dialog box, enter the locking code string for the remote machine that was emailed or sent by the user of the remote machine, as described in On the remote machine, how do I: Generate a locking code? above, and click Check Out.

5. In the Save Commuter License dialog box, type or browse to a path and filename for the saved commuter license, click Save to File and then close the dialog box. The commuter license is saved as a license file (*.lic).

6. Email the saved commuter license file to the remote user.

The remote user can then save and activate the checked-out commuter license on the remote machine, as described in the following steps.

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On the remote machine, how do I: Save and activate the commuter license?

To save and activate a commuter license:

1. Save the file that was sent to you as described in On a network machine, how do I: Check out a commuter license? to the Windows desktop (or C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Licensing).

2. Open Vicon Product Licensing, and then click Activate License.

3. Depending on whether you are using the file as it was received from the license network user or a text string copied from the file, do one of the following:

  • In the License File Activation field, type or browse to the location of the license file (*.lic) and click Activate from File; or
  • Copy the text to the License Activation string field and click Activate from String.

4. Close the Activate a License dialog box.

In the License Server list in the top part of the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, checked out licenses are flagged with Commuter in the Type column.

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Why would I revoke my license?

A license will need to be revoked in order to make that license seat/s available to be licensed on other computers. Here are some examples of when to revoke a license:

  • A student with a license on their laptop is leaving the lab
  • A computer will be reformatted
  • A computer will be replaced

For details on license revoking, please refer to the How do I revoke a license FAQ.

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How do I revoke a license?

Below you will find the steps you need to follow in order to revoke a license so that it can be reissued.

1. Run the Vicon Product Licensing utility from the Start > Programs > Vicon > Licensing folder.

2. License revocation must be performed on the license server computer. Change the License Server to “localhost” to ensure you can only view local licenses.

3. Select the license you wish to revoke from the main list.

4. Click Revoke License at the bottom of the window.

5. Fill in your personal details.

6. Click Revoke and Save Request to a file.

Send this file to [email protected] or reply to the active licensing case.

Once we have received the request file a license can be re-issued. You will receive further instruction on how to request a license should you wish too.

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How many license seats do I have?

For information on license seats please contact Vicon Support at [email protected] and CC your license manager in the request.

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Where can I download HASP4 drivers?

Obtain the latest HASP4 dongle drivers here: HASP4 Download 

There are 2 choices here: A GUI based installation package, or a command line based package. Either will work, but the command line package is a bit more complicated.

Instructions for the GUI installation:

1. Remove any connected HASP keys.

2. Download, the .zip file, extract, and run the setup installer.

3. Follow onscreen prompts.

4. Reconnect HASP. USB HASP keys should be detected as new hardware. Windows will locate the driver, and you’ll get a message “Your device is ready for use”.

Instructions for the command line installation:

Once downloaded you should extract both the ‘hinstall.zip’ and the ‘DiagnostiX.zip’ to the ‘Vicon| Hasp’ directory on the PC. Next, to install the drivers carry out the following;

1. Open a command-line window using the ‘Start| Run| Type: cmd| OK’.

2. Access the ‘Vicon| Hasp’ directory using ‘cd Vicon Hasp’ or the appropriate path for the directory on your PC.

3. At the command prompt type exactly:

  • Hinstall.exe -i -ct=IBM -cnt=YES
  • A dialogue will appear stating: ‘HASP Device Driver Install Utility – Please Wait…’ followed by: ‘Aladdin Device Driver Installation Utility for Win32 – The operation was completed successfully.’

To check that this has been successfully installed:

1. Unzip the ‘DiagnostiX.zip’ to the ‘Vicon| Hasp’ directory on the PC as instructed above

2. Double-click the resulting ‘diagnostix.exe’ to run the installer.

3. Check the driver version under ‘System Info| Dongle Drivers and Services| HASP Drivers’.

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Will reformatting a computer affect my licensed software?

Reformatting or reimaging a machine will change the locking information of the license, rendering it invalid. To prevent this from happening, the license can be revoked, before the reformatting, and then re-issued to the computer once the process is complete. Before performing any major changes to a computer, seethe FAQ How do I revoke my license. Always contact Vicon support before taking action if you have any questions.

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