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How do I view information about license servers?

In the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, you can view information about all available license servers without affecting the license server that is currently in use. To do this:

1. Open Vicon Product Licensing.

2. In the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, if the required license server is not displayed in the License Server field at the top, click Change at the top right of the dialog box.

3. In the Options area of the Select License Server dialog box, do one of the following:

  • To view local standalone licenses and commuter licenses, select View Licenses from the Locally Installed License Server; or
  • To view licenses on a specified license server, type the name of the required server in the License Server field. If you do not know the name of the license server, click Discoverand in the Available Servers list, double-click a license server.

4. Click OK.

In License Server list in the top part of the Vicon Automated Unified Licensing Tool dialog box, licenses from the specified license server are displayed.