Gait Sub Phases – Python



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    Gait Sub Phases - Python

    This file is supplied to illustrate the normal operation of the Nexus to Python 3.9 interface.

    Oxford Metrics and Vicon Motion Systems accept no responsibility for its

    correct operation.


    The two gait cycle codes are found in the Walking and Running subfolders respectively.

    These codes are called:


    – walking_sub_phases_v2

    – running_sub_phases_v2


    These codes can be used to identify the subphases of the walking or running gait cycle. The user will be prompted to select subjects name

    from a dropdown menu and an excel spreadsheet will be generated containing the gait cycle events.


    This code works by using the LASI and RASI markers. The foot strikes and the foot offs for the left and right leg must

    already be accurately placed in the trial for this script to work.


    There will be two sheets in the spreadsheet, one for the left and right leg respectively containing the gait cycle events.

    It is recommended to check the accuracy of the outputs


    This code was written and tested on normal gait data only, and so,

    its accuracy for pathological gait has not been verified


    To run this code, the following modules must be installed:


    – numpy

    – tkinter

    – sys

    – pandas

    – viconnexusapi

    – viconnexusutils


    Written by Andrea Rivera and Nev Pires

    This code will work based on the assumption that the foot strikes and foot offs have been properly

    identified within the trial

    The LASI and RASI markers must be present and labelled in the trial

    Events will be calculated that fall between the gait cycle only. That is, between foot strike to foot strike of the ipsi-lateral leg


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