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Nexus General Workflow 1: Preparing your system (System Set-up, Masking, Calibration)

1. Make sure all analog and digital devices to be collected within Nexus are turned on. Wait at least 45 minutes after turning on the system to calibrate.

Please Note: Calibration should occur whenever cameras have had any movement.  Preferably, cameras are calibrated at least each day the system is used.

2. Open Nexus. All cameras will populate within the Systems tab automatically.

3. Select the appropriate System Configuration file for the data collection. Configured analog devices will populate under Devices. Add configured digital devices, right click on Devices > Add Digital Device and select the appropriate devices.

Verify analog/digital devices are set-up correctly.  For example, if there are any force plates, make sure the force vectors are correct.

4. Select all cameras and go to the Camera view. Verify all reflective material or markers have been removed from the volume. If a reflective area is unable to be removed, it will be masked.

5. Go to the Tools pane > System Preparation button > Mask Cameras. Select Start to mask the cameras. Existing masks will be removed and replaced with new masks.  Once all reflections are covered with a blue mask, select Stop.

6. Go to Calibrate Cameras and select Start. Nexus will begin calibration as the wand is moved throughout the volume. Once all cameras have recorded the wand for a specific number of frames Nexus will calculate feedback values.  Look at the Camera Calibration Feedback table to verify calibration was good.

7. Change the Camera view to 3D Perspective. Set the wand at the origin of the volume. Go to Set Volume Origin  > Start and then Set to position the cameras around the wand.

System preparation is now complete and you can move on to data capture.